2009年5月15日 星期五


連結上您的帳號內的"需要支援"(Request Support),表明您要去取消GDI帳號即可。

How can I cancel my account in full? For security purposes, all cancellations must be completed by telephone; no exceptions. Please call us at (1)760-602-3000 ext. 5804 M-F 8-5 Pacific Time, and we will be happy to assist you. Alternate methods of cancellation will not be accepted.

[因為安全起見 美國GDI公司只接受電話取消方式 請於太平洋時間 早上8點至下午5點 致電 (1)760-602-3000 轉 5804]

如果不會說英文可使用以下方式 取消GDI帳號程序:

01.會員個人網站 http://www.website.ws/members/

02.輸入要取消之帳號 密碼

03.按[main login 登入] 會員個人網站首頁

04.首頁左方 點進> "Request Support" [要求支援]

05.點進> "Canceling" [取消]

06.點進> "Contact support"

07.在空白欄位 Message: 貼入以下英文內文 內文:

I am from CHINA and can not speak English. Please help me to cancel my account. canceling reason: GDI do not have good chinese support that is difficult to do.thanks!

08.貼好後 按下 "Submit" 既完成 如果我取消後,會退還我最後這個月的費用嗎?



09.GDI 公司會寄出取消確認信.在回覆確認信後, 即完成取消帳號.

標題: Canceling

內容:Please reply to this email in order to confirm that it is your intention to cancel your accountXXXXXXXX at this time.Just to help us improve our products and services, would you be able to provide a little insight into your reason for cancellation?

回覆:I am very sure to cancel myXXXXXXXX account.

1 則留言:

  1. 不得了的每一天...

    實在是太棒了!先從免費體驗開始吧~ ^_<
    登入網址>> http://rick.ugo.com.tw
